
Ryle's computer capers

Ryle's inquisitive nature recently turned to our computer. So I installed Jumpstart Pre-school program (a very nice program for little toots his age) for him to work on. And almost instantly he was able to grasp the concept. He did take some time controlling the mouse but was able to master it after a few sessions. The only thing that he has hard time on is drag and drop control.

He loves to tinker around and click on things so I brought him to the Disney Playhouse site so he can explore some more. His instant favorites are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Little Einsteins, BunnyTown and Handy Manny. He also loved Go Baby. It was in Go Baby where I saw him distinguished and associated different objects for every given scenario. Like objects found in the farm, in the bathroom, in space or in the beach. He's also very fond with Handy Manny's Carnival games and Pipe Puzzle.

Now we are the one controlling his time in front of the computer.

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